-- April 4th-6th, 2025 in COROLLA and at the CURRITUCK BEACH LIGHTHOUSE

AS THIS MAY VERY WELL BE OUR LAST KEEPERS' WEEKEND---AFTER OVER 30 YEARS!---we look forward to seeing you all again for what may be the last time as a Society.


An updated itinerary will be sent shortly before the event. We will keep in touch mostly by email, so please check it regularly. The base registration fee for the three-day weekend is $50 per person, with additional optional costs for a trip and several meals.


Below is the itinerary for the weekend. Scroll down to check the activities and meals you want to participate in and their costs.



Friday morning, April 4, 9:00 am. Meet at Bodie Island Lighthouse for a special service project -- helping to paint the two fresh water cisterns. Be sure to wear clothes and shoes that won’t matter if they get splattered. Afterward, we will visit and tour the Oregon Inlet Coast Guard Station. Then we will break for lunch (yoyo, but a list of area eateries will be sent to you).


Friday evening, April 4, 5:00 pm.  Meet at the Sanderling Resort in Corolla for a tour of the Caffey's Inlet Life-Saving Station (which is now a restaurant at the resort).  You may stay for dinner there if you wish.


Saturday morning, April 5, 9:00 am.  Meet at the Currituck Beach LighthouseMeghan Agresto, site manager for the lighthouse and grounds, will tell of her recent research and upcoming book. Meghan is an enthusiastic speaker, not to be missed. The light station will celebrate 150 YEARS OF LIGHT this year and we will hear of their special plans. Climb the lighthouse if you wish and have lunch on the grounds.


1:00 pm  We will take a walking tour of the historic Corolla Village led by Clark Twiddy, author, historian, and owner of Twiddy & Co. Realty. We will visit landmark buildings, learn of several museums within the Village, and end with a tour of the Kill Devil Hills Life-Saving Station that was restored by Twiddy and his family.


5:30 pm  The Keepers‘ Bar opens in meeting rooms at the Hampton Inn in Corolla. Mingle with members and honored guests. At 6:00 pm there will be a brief members’ meeting, then the presentation of awards, then dinner will be served. After dinner, there will be a lively auction of items that have been collected and donated through the years. Our auction is often a highlight of the evening.


Sunday morning, April 6, 9:00 am.  A farewell breakfast at the the Hampton Inn. Sweet parting of friends we have made through the years, but it will not be a final good-bye as we will keep in touch. Let’s make this weekend an unforgettable Keepers’ Weekend!


Questions can be directed to Bett, 919-264-3075, bett@oblhs.com or to Aida Havel, 919-740-7031, aidahavel@gmail.com.


To register, please click on the BLUE BAR above and fill out the online registration form.